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Real Name: Lucina “Luci” Lyte

Birth: Born during the Early Times of Earth (Came to Earth on September 26, 2006)

Occupation: Student at Moonlight High School

Base of Operations: Moonlight City

Species: Female Half-Demon and Angel

Height: 5’4” (1.62 m)

Weight: 115 lbs (52 kg)

Eyes: Brown (Gold in Angelic Form / Red in Demonic Form)

Hair: Brown (Silver-White in Demonic Form)


Angelic Form: Celestial Spells, Flight, Super Strength and Speed, Light Manipulation, Cloaking, Seer’s Vision, Sword of The Heavens

Demonic Form: Demonic Conjuration, Flight, Telekinesis, Super Strength and Speed, Possession, Satan’s Blood, Burning Weapon of The Underworld

Alliances: The Beyonders

Background: Daughter of both the Highest Ranking Holy Knight Archangels, Lucina was destined for good until one of the Archangels, fell into corruption and darkness, Lucifer. Lucifer later known as Satan or the Devil, corrupted many more Archangels with him. One being the mother of Lucina, Lycka.

Lucina's father, Akiva, and her mother knew they had to already give birth to Lucina so she wouldn't be corrupted as well. They tried to save Lucina from Satan's corruption, but before they could cut the cord connecting Lucina to her mother, Lucina and Lycka got dragged down to hell. This was corrupting Lucina's pure heart little by little.

So Lycka knew she had to cut the cord now. Lucina's heart was half corrupted by the time the cord was cut. Akiva knew he had to save her, so he went down to hell to get Lucina back. He took Lucina from Lycka, sad was he that his beloved wife was corrupted, but he had no choice, but to leave. He then raised Lucina in Heaven, but he had to keep it a secret that her heart was only half pure. Growing up, Lucina never knew what happened to her when she was a baby and what happened to her mother. One day when Lucina was sleeping, her father noticed that she started growing horns. He wondered why, then he saw that she was having a nightmare. She was getting apprehensive through that nightmare and he instantly knew that her inner-demon comes out when she is enraged.

All her life, he tried preventing it from happening until one day he couldn't. Lucina was finally old enough to think for herself, so she wondered and asked her father, "Who and where is my mother?" Her father didn't know what to say, he tried lying, but couldn't since he was holy. Lucina was starting to get irritated, so her inner-demon was coming out. Her dad tried to stop it, but it was too late. Her full demon form was unleashed. Her rage shook the Heavens. Her dad couldn't do anything anymore at this point. It was in God's hands now to deal with her. She was banished from Heaven and sent to the mortal world, Earth. Her dad was helping her during her time on Earth. He helped her out from Heaven. He gave her to his most trusted friend, Leslie Lyte. In Earth Years, Lucina was 11 when she went to Earth, she stayed with Leslie until she was ready to go out to the public. Three years later, she goes to Moonlight High School and meets John Mendes. This is where Lucina's journey begins.


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