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Real Name: Darion Jackson

Birth: May 2, 1845

Occupation: 4-Star General of the U.S. Army

Species: Alter-Gene Male

Height: 6’5" (1.95 m)

Weight: 265 lbs (120 kg)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Base of Operations: Ultrapolis

Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Cellular Regeneration

Alliances: The Revengeance


Young Darion was born in Richmond, Virginia on May 2, 1845. His mother was Edith West and his father, Derrick Jackson, who has mysteriously disappeared. At this time, life was hard for the African Americans. He worked in plantations and factories as a slave along with other African Americans. Darion was a very hard worker. He had great endurance and perseverance. He wouldn't be tired from doing all this labor.

In 1860, war has been going on for about 3 years between the North and the South in the American Civil War. The war was caused by slavery. At 18, Darion joined the Confederates and fought in the war.

During the battles in the Civil War, Darion was shot to the head and died. After 8 hours, Darion woke up with his face fully-healed. He was very shocked about what he is capable of.

In 1914, Darion's mother died of age. She was a very strong woman. Before she was about to die, she told Darion that his father wasn't from Earth. Darion started to think that is why he could do things beyond human capabilities. He joined the U.S. Army and participated in many wars in a span of a 100 years.

In present day he fights along with The Revengeance and is 5-Star General of The U.S. Military. He is often called 'War' because he has been alive long enough to fight in many wars.


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