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Real Name: Gan Kho

Birth: January 1, 1990

Occupation: Leader of The Kho Clan, Elite Assassin

Base of Operations: China, sometimes mobile

Species: Human-Male

Height: 6’3" (1.90 m)

Weight: 215 lbs (98 kg)

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Abilities: Assassination, Swordmaster, Superhuman Athleticism

Alliances: The Kho Clan


Gan was trained to be a great assassin. Along with other people who are in the Kho Clan, he went through severe and extreme training that no average human is capable of doing. They we're trained to have endurance, perseverance, discipline, and to fight. The leader of the Kho Clan is traditionally called the Zhanshi. Gan's father, Gar Kho was the leader of the clan. A Carbrainum suit was passed down to whoever was next the Zhanshi.

Gar Kho and his partner, Jin Zhang went on a mission to eliminate a major enemy. Gar never came back and Jin was found dead. After many years, Gan became the next Zhanshi and led the Kho Clan.

Gan favorited the dual swords. He became the greatest fighter and swordmaster in the world.


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