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Real Name: Jethro Garcia

Birth: January 30, 2000

Occupation: Student at Moonlight High School

Base of Operations: Moonlight City

Species: Alter-Gene Male

Height: 5’9” (1.75 m)

Weight: 124 lbs (56 kg)

Eyes: Black (Red when abilities being used)

Hair: Black

Abilities: Lightning/Electricity Manipulation

Alliances: (Unknown as of now)

Background: Jethro Garcia is the older brother of Jyrus Garcia. He is older than him by 2 years. They're the sons of Xander Technologies' best weapon creator, Jezreal Garcia. Their dad is responsible on building and finding new types of weaponry for Xander Tech. When Jethro and Jyrus were young, they went to their father's lab. They were so amazed by everything in there, all the weapons, how it was made, and the design.

Since they were still little kids, they were touching and playing around in the lab. Their dad told them to stop messing around, but they refused to listen to him. The dad warned them that it's very dangerous in his lab. Then they finally stopped playing. Their dad trusted them to not mess around anymore because he had to leave the room for a meeting with Alexander Reyes, CEO/Founder of Xander Technologies, about his newest electric type weapon. The weapon that Jethro and Jyrus was most fond about.

As soon as their dad left, they went to the weapon immediately. This weapon generates massive amounts of electricity through an eel organ. The prototype of the weapon was hooked up to a cut up eel organ. Jyrus saw this and he felt bad about it. He wanted to put it back in the aquarium with the other eels. He took the cut up eel, but didn't detach the cords connecting to the weapon. So he dragged the weapon with him. Jethro ran after him and tried to stop him.

Jethro caught up to him at the top of the ladder and finally told him to stop. Just then, their dad comes in the room. Jyrus got scared and fell in the tank filled with the eels dragging Jethro and the new weapon with him. Since the weapon was also made with chemicals, the eels inside the tank were attracted to it. The eels wrapped themselves around Jethro and Jyrus and they were electrifying them. All the chemicals from the weapon were now within Jyrus and Jethro. The chemicals made their bodies absorb the eel's organ. Their dad broke the aquarium and brought them out of it. He tried touching them, but ended up getting shocked instead. They were all brought to the hospital. The dad woke up after a 2 week coma, but Jethro and Jyrus remained asleep.

They finally woke up after 2 whole months. As soon as they woke up, their body was unstable, so they caused a power surge. This resulted in a whole city blackout. The dad hid them away for a long time so he can find out what happened to them and why they were like this. After a 3 month research, the dad finally found out that in their body, it contains a new organ. An organ that can generate electricity. The dad knew that this organ is an eel organ, but wondered how they got it. He thought to himself, "It looks like the organ naturally belongs to them, but humans can't contain eel organs." Then the dad remembered that the weapon has chemicals that attracts eels to it. Specifically the organ that generates their electricity. Jezreal concluded that they absorbed the organ and it now belongs to them. So now Jethro and Jyrus can generate electricity at their will.

Their dad helps them learn this new ability of theirs until they finally mastered it. A decade later, they know anything about their power. Now they blend in again and they both go to school at Moonlight High School. The only close friend they have their is John Mendes (Cerebrum). Jethro, Jyrus, and John grew up together mostly. Jethro got closer to John more than Jyrus even though he was 2 years older. He was closer to John more than anything, until someone new came to MoonLight High and changed Jethro's life forever.


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