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Real Name: Rudy Velas

Birth: July 3, 1947

Occupation: Protector of the Marianas

Base of Operations: Marianas Islands, Pacific Ocean

Species: Human-Male, Mystical Being

Height: 6’5 (1.95 m)

Weight: 260 lbs (177 kg)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Abilities: Power of the Sea (Breathe Underwater, Create Weapons/Armour from water, Water Bend, Command Sea Life, Healing, Sonic Swimming) from the Relic of The Marianas

Alliances: (Unknown as of now)


In the ancient times of the Chamorus, they were ruled by Sivle, know as the God of The Sea. There were many tribes among the Mariana Islands. Sivle noticed his people needed help. He created artifacts for each chief of the tribes. Each chief gained aquatic abilities when they wore this mystical relic. They were able to control water at will, command sea life, able to breath underwater, and live a long life. These chiefs were known as the 12 Protectors of the Marianas. Their purpose was to protect and help their tribe and protect the Mariana's.

As time went on, one of the chiefs, Nor, decided to abuse his power. He caused chaos to the other tribes by creating tsunamis. All the remaining chiefs worked together and fought back. An epic fight among the chiefs occurred beyond the Pacific Ocean. Nor was much stronger. He knew how to use the abilities skillfully. He defeated all the chiefs. Each chief was killed and sunk to the bottom of the Pacific, along with their relic.

Sivle found out about this massacre and executed Nor. Sivle gave Nor's Relic to one the fallen chief's son, Rod. The rest of the Mystical Relics were scattered and hidden throughout the Pacific Ocean floors. Rod became the only protector of the Marianas at that time.

Many generations passed, Rod Velas grew tired of his long life and threw his relic into the Pacific, now living a normal life. The new and upcoming chiefs would have a normal life span.

As many, many, centuries went by, Rudy Velas, a descendant of Rod, decided to go spearfishing in Guam. Then something in the water caught his eye. It was the ancient relic of the Marianas. Rudy retrieved it and swam back up to the surface. He put on the relic and was given the abilities of the Mariana's Protectors. He chose to use these powers to help people. He hung out with sharks often and kept the Marianas safe. He was later known as, Mako, the shark-man.


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